Guide for wearing Ihram

Step-by-Step Guide for Wearing Ihram

Ihram is the sacred state a pilgrim enters during Hajj or Umrah. It represents purity, equality, and submission to Allah. Below is a detailed step-by-step guide to help you wear Ihram correctly and understand its significance.

1. Understanding Ihram

What is Ihram?
Ihram refers to both the physical clothing and the spiritual state of a pilgrim during Hajj or Umrah. It signifies a pilgrim’s dedication to worship and obedience to Allah.

When to Enter Ihram?
Pilgrims must enter the state of Ihram at designated Miqat points, which are specific locations marked for initiating Ihram.

2. Preparing for Ihram

Before entering the state of Ihram, follow these steps:

Perform Ghusl (Purification Bath):
Take a full-body purification bath (Ghusl) to cleanse yourself physically and spiritually. If Ghusl isn’t possible, perform Wudu (ablution).

Trim Nails and Remove Unwanted Hair:
Ensure you are in a clean state by trimming your nails and removing any unwanted hair.

Apply Perfume:
Men may apply perfume to their body (not clothing) before wearing Ihram. Women should avoid perfume.

3. Wearing Ihram Clothing

For Men:

Wear two unstitched white cloths:

    • One wrapped around the waist, covering from navel to ankles.
    • The other draped over the shoulders, leaving the right shoulder uncovered during Tawaf (Idtiba).

Wear simple sandals that do not cover the top of the feet.

For Women:

Wear modest clothing that adheres to Islamic guidelines, covering the entire body except the face and hands. Women do not wear the specific two-piece Ihram attire like men.

4. Entering the State of Ihram

Once you reach the Miqat, follow these steps:

  • Make the Intention (Niyyah):
    Declare your intention for Hajj or Umrah. For Umrah, say:
    • "Labbayk Allahumma Umrah" (O Allah, I respond to Your call to perform Umrah).
  • Recite the Talbiyah:
    Continuously recite the Talbiyah to proclaim your readiness to worship Allah:
    • "Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk. Labbayk La Shareeka Laka Labbayk. Innal-Hamda Wan-Ni’mata Laka Wal-Mulk La Shareeka Lak."
  • Observe Ihram Restrictions:
    Once in Ihram, avoid prohibited actions such as cutting hair or nails, using perfume, hunting, or engaging in marital relations.

5. Spiritual State During Ihram

  • Focus on worship, reciting Quran, making Dhikr, and praying sincerely to Allah.
  • Maintain patience, humility, and kindness throughout the journey.

6. Leaving Ihram

Ihram ends after completing the required rituals of Hajj or Umrah, such as Halq (shaving the head) or Taqsir (trimming hair).

Tips for Wearing Ihram

  • Practice tying the Ihram cloth beforehand for comfort.
  • Carry extra Ihram garments in case of emergencies.
  • Stay hydrated and maintain hygiene while in Ihram.

By following these steps, pilgrims can properly wear Ihram and enter the sacred state required for Hajj or Umrah, ensuring their journey is spiritually fulfilling.