Guide for performing Umrah
1. Before You Begin
- Niyyah (Intention): Make a sincere intention to perform Umrah solely for Allah’s sake.
- Knowledge of Rituals: Educate yourself about the process and ensure you understand the significance of each step.
- Prepare Essentials: Pack Ihram garments, prayer mat, Qur'an, personal items, and necessary documents (passport, visa, tickets).
2. At the Miqat (Station for Ihram)
Wear Ihram:
- For men: Two unstitched white cloths (lower and upper).
- For women: Modest clothing covering the body (no specific color required).
Make Niyyah: Declare your intention for Umrah by reciting:
- "Labbayka Allahumma Umrah" (Here I am, O Allah, intending Umrah).
Talbiyah: Start reciting:
- "Labbayka Allahumma Labbayk, Labbayka La Sharika Laka Labbayk, Innal Hamda Wanni’mata Laka Wal Mulk, La Sharika Laka."
- Continue reciting frequently until you reach Makkah.
3. Arrive in Makkah
Proceed to Masjid al-Haram (The Sacred Mosque):
- Ensure you’re in a state of wudu (ablution).
- Enter with humility and supplication through any gate (preferably Bab al-Salam).
4. Perform Tawaf (Circumambulation)
Begin at the Black Stone (Hajar al-Aswad):
- Stand facing the Black Stone, raise your right hand, and say:
- "Bismillah Allahu Akbar."
- If possible, touch or kiss the stone. If not, point towards it with your hand.
- Stand facing the Black Stone, raise your right hand, and say:
Circumambulate the Kaaba 7 Times:
- Move counterclockwise around the Kaaba.
- Recite supplications or make personal du'as. You can say:
- "Rabbana Atina Fid-Dunya Hasanah Wa Fil-Akhirati Hasanah Wa Qina ‘Adhab an-Nar."
- Each round begins and ends at the Black Stone.
After Tawaf:
- Pray two rak’ahs near Maqam Ibrahim (if space permits).
- Otherwise, pray anywhere in the mosque.
5. Drink Zamzam Water
- Drink Zamzam water, which is available throughout the mosque.
- Make du'a while drinking, asking Allah for health, blessings, and forgiveness.
6. Perform Sa’i (Walking Between Safa and Marwah)
Start at Safa:
- Stand on the hill of Safa, face the Kaaba, and say:
- "Inna As-Safa Wal-Marwah Min Sha'a'irillah..." (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:158).
- Make du’a and begin walking toward Marwah.
- Stand on the hill of Safa, face the Kaaba, and say:
Walk 7 Times Between Safa and Marwah:
- From Safa to Marwah is one lap; Marwah back to Safa is the second.
- Jog (men only) in the marked green area between Safa and Marwah.
- Recite supplications, Qur'an verses, or personal du’as during the walk.
7. Cut Hair (Tahalul)
- Men: Shave the head completely (recommended) or trim the hair evenly.
- Women: Trim about an inch or a fingertip-length of hair.
8. Completion of Umrah
- After cutting your hair, the Umrah rituals are complete, and you can exit the state of Ihram.
Important Tips
- Stay Focused on Worship: Avoid distractions and worldly talks during rituals.
- Respect the Sacred Place: Be mindful of others, and keep the environment clean.
- Follow Sunnah: Study the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) practice during Umrah for added spiritual benefits.